KMK Towers

KMK Towers
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Subbiah / Mrs. Pravin


#142,KH Road,Bangalore-27

Description :



This projectis situated on Kengal Hanumanthaiah Double Road right at the Double Road Circleadjacent to the petrol bunk. It is about 4Km distance from M.G.Road and VidhanaSoudha and about half a kilometer away from the Shanthinagar Bus Terminal whichis connected to all destinations in Bangalore. This Bus terminal is also one ofthe main terminals for buses to the

InternationalAirport and to all destinations in Tamil Nadu and Andhra. KM K TOWERS: is built on a 80ft x 100ft plot. It hasBasement floor, Ground floor, First/Second/Third floors and Terrace floor ofbuilt-up areas.


Thestructure is built with the following set- backs; Front: 19feet, Rear: 9feet, Right:10feet, Left: 6feet


BasementFloor: This floor is solely meant for parking. A10,000 liters sump and a rain water drainage sump is provided in the basement. Ithas a built up area of: 5190sft ---4890 sft floor area + 300 sft stairs/lift


GroundFloor: The most important floor with a clear height of11feet. The floor is set back by 19feet facilitating car park and landscapingalong the main road. The rear portion will house the 85 KV generators and thefloor standing KEB Power transformer.


Ithas a Built up area of: 4370sft --- 4006 ft + 150 sftlobby + 214 sft stairs


FirstFloor: Built up area: 4820 sft---- 4289 sft + 150 sft lobby + 167sft balcony + 241 sft stairs


SecondFloor: Built up area: 5680 sft ----- 5154 sft + 150 sft lobby + 160 sft balcony+ 214 sft stairs.


ThirdFloor: Built up area: 5680 sft ----- 5154 sft + 150 sft lobby + 160 sft balcony+ 214 sft stairs.




TerraceFloor: Built up area: 4000 sft --- 3636 sft + 150 sft lobby + 214 sft stairs +1500 sft partly covered terrace.




The terracewill have the OHT water tanks with automatic water level controls.


The borewell which is in the basement has 1 ½ inch yield and will pump water into thesump and further into the OHT’s on the terrace. The building will be provided with8 passengers KONE automatic SS paneled lift servicing from the basement floorup to the terrace floor (6 stops).


The flooringfor all the floor will be laid with Asian or Simpolo 2’ x 2’ Vitrified tilesand the façade will have glazed curtain walls and Italian marble with ACP panelcladding and glazing as per design.The lobbies and the staircase will befinished with granite slabs or similar slabs.



The entranceto all floors will have wooden / glazed doors. The halls will be provided withaluminum powder coated glazed sliding windows.


Adequatelighting and power points will be provided in all floors and in the servicebalconies for internal lighting and power for Split AC’s. All spaces outside ofthe building will be finished with concrete / cobbled stones /paving stones.Security cabin with surveillance cameras at the lobbies at all levels will beprovided. The entrance to the site will be fitted with mechanized IN and OUTgates.


The rear setback will be provided with a fire escape staircase. A 2 inch water line will bededicated as a fire hydrant on all floors.


All detailsof occupancy and interior works can be worked out during the negotiationperiod. Details of KEB power, DG set, flooring finishes and all internalfinishes will be discussed in person.


We are opento talks with all interested parties.


ContactDetails for K M K TOWERS


Owners: Mr.KK Subbiah / Mrs Sitara Nachaiah / Ms. Sonali Subbaiah

ContactNos: 9845698210 / 984405778

Services :
Building for Rent

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