Navadurga Surgicals

Navadurga Surgicals
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MS. Julie

080-65354794, 080-25534794


No 972,1st Floor, S.T.Bed Layout, Near HDFC Bank KORAMANGALA, BANGALORE- 560 034

Description :

Established at Bangalore, Karnataka, India, we “Navadurga Surgicals then in the year 1992, now Navadurga Surgicals India Private Limited” have emerged as leading exporter, supplier, trader, importer, retailer and distributor of Surgical Instruments and Implants. We are the trader of band like Orthomax. We are exporting to the countries like Nigeria. Among others, our specialization lies in meeting instrument demands of Oral, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery. The range of instruments we are presently dealing in include Surgical Instruments, Orthopedics, Sterilization Trays, Titanium implants Max Kit in Radiolucent Container, Extracting Forceps and Orthodontic Pliers. Other than this, we also offer Titanium Screws-Slotted Head, Cross Driver Screws, Titanium Bone Plates Without Bar, Mini Screws-Slotted Head and Mini Bone Plates without Bar, Reconstruction Plates, Locking Plates and screws. At present we have added Cosmetic Implants (PHDPE) Into our product line. We have been supplying surgical instruments which we have been importing from various countries on time to time basis.

Our business operations were established by Mr. Kamath (Late), who was a visionary and provided strong base to our operations. With him, our current managing Partner Mr. Hemant Prabhu made it a mission for us as a company to provide best instruments in terms of price and quality. Our expertise in providing best range of instruments can also be seen from the fact that we today provide 3years guarantee on all the surgical instruments supplied by us.

Today, with 22 years of rich industry experience, we have grown from modest beginnings to our present status of one of the leading suppliers of oral and Maxillofacial Instruments and Implants. Other than this, our foray into the field of Plastic Surgery & Rehabilitation Aids has also made us a make a name for ourselves in this area of operations. Further, our penetrating market reach can also be seen from the very fact that we are sole and exclusive dealers for state of Karnataka (India) for our range of products. Our location at Bangalore, Karnataka, India, where most number of dental colleges in India is located has also been a boon for us as it makes us easily accessible to the clients. With many students passing out every year, this also ensures that our client base is maintained on a constant growth path. We have also introduced new product line in the Field of Urology, ENT, General Surgery, Optho, Gynaecoloogy, and other specialties

Services :

Getting older involves change, both negative and positive, but you can enjoy aging if you understand what’s going on with your body and take steps to maintain your health.

Many different things happen to your body as you age. Your skin, bones, and even brain may start to behave differently. Don’t let the changes that come with old age catch you by surprise.

Here are some of the common ones:

  • Your bones. Bones can become thinner and more brittle in old age, especially in women, sometimes resulting in the fragile bone condition called osteoporosis. Thinning bones and decreasing bone mass can put you at risk for falls that can easily result in broken bones. Be sure to talk with your physician about what you can do to prevent osteoporosis and falls.
  • Your heart. While a healthy diet and regular exercise can keep your heart healthy, it may become slightly enlarged, your heart rate may lower, and the walls of the heart may thicken.
  • Your brain and nervous system. Getting older can cause changes in your reflexes and even your senses. While dementia is not a normal consequence of old age, it is common for people to experience some slight forgetfulness as they get older. Cells in the brain and nerves can be damaged by the formation of plaques and tangles, abnormalities that could eventually lead to dementia.
  • Your digestive system. As you age, your digestive tract becomes more firm and rigid, and doesn’t contract as often. This change can lead to problems such as constipation, stomach pain, and feelings of nausea; a better diet can help.
  • Your senses. You may notice that your vision and hearing aren’t quite as sharp as they once were. You may start to lose your sense of taste — flavors may not seem as distinct to you. Your senses of smell and touch may also weaken. Your body is taking longer to react and needs more to stimulate it.
  • Your teeth. The tough enamel that protects your teeth from decay can start to wear away over the years, leaving you susceptible to cavities. Gum disease is also a concern for older adults. Good dental hygiene can protect your teeth and gums. Dry mouth, which is a common side effect of many medications that seniors take, may also be a problem.
  • Your skin. With old age, your skin loses its elasticity and may start to sag and wrinkle. However, the more you protected your skin from sun damage and smoking when you were younger, the better your skin will look as you get older. Start protecting your skin now to prevent further damage, as well as skin cancer.
  • Your sex life. After menopause, when menstruation stops, many women experience physical changes like a loss of vaginal lubrication. Men may experience erectile dysfunction. Fortunately, both problems can be easily treated.

Many bodily changes are a natural part of aging, but they don’t have to slow you down. What’s more, there’s a lot you can do to protect your body and keep it as healthy as possible.

Keys to Aging Well

While maintaining your physical health is important to healthy aging, it’s also key to value the experience and maturity you gain with advancing years. Practicing healthy habits throughout your life is ideal, but it’s never too late reap the benefits of taking good care of yourself, even as you get older.

Here are some healthy aging tips that are good advice at any stage of life:

  • Stay physically active with regular exercise.
  • Stay socially active with friends and family and within your community.
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet — dump the junk food in favor of fiber-rich, low-fat, and low-cholesterol eating.
  • Don’t neglect yourself: Regular check-ups with your doctor, dentist, and optometrist are even more important now.
  • Take all medications as directed by your doctor.
  • Limit alcohol consumption and cut out smoking.
  • Get the sleep that your body needs.

Finally, taking care of your physical self is vital, but it’s important that you tend to your emotional health as well. Reap the rewards of your long life, and enjoy each and every day. Now is the time to savor good health and happiness.

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