Shroff C. Sivashankarappa & Bror.Shroff C

Shroff C. Sivashankarappa & Bror.Shroff C
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Renukesh/kavitha Shroff
9844227761 / 9483723451



# 475, Avenue Road, Bangalore-560002

Description :

Dealers In Indian Druggist & Ayurvedic Raw Herbal,

Dry Fruits  


39,2nd Main,4th Cross,Chamraj Pet,Opp to Subramanya

Services :

Sivashankarappa& Bror.Was Started in Year1880 by Shroff Channabasappa. He was the Founderof SHROFF FIRM.Which was started as Grandige Angadi now t is run by RenukaShroff who is Forth Generation of Shroff family. The History Shroff CSivashankarappa & Bror. Are given Below.Shroff Channabasappa was theFounderfollwed by Shroff Shivashankarappa By Shroff Umesh Now our firm run byShroff Renukesh Who is the fourth Generation Run Business ..I RENUKESH SHROFFis running business from twenty years & continuing our firm.

His experience in the field of Ayurveda and Unani is extensive and hasin-depth knowledge of the raw materials used in Ayurvedic Medicine, PoojaMaterials and also about Spices and Dried Fruits. During his leadership thecompany gained popularity among local Ayurvedic Doctors, traditionalpractitioners and also retail traders in the same field. He laid importance to“Customer is King” concept, by taking pains to address to the customer’s needsto the extent possible

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