Wedding Bellz
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#904, Prem Sagar, 18th Main road, 5th Bock, Rajajinagar,

Description :

ChildrenPortfolio, Travel Fashion, Editorial Interiors, Food Wedding Candid  My story is simple. i love what i do and i do what i love. iBelieve photography found me and not the other way round. clicking pictures iswhat i find joy and excitement in. i am able to see through a lens that may bea lot of times a eye or the mind misses. i have seen people transform before alens. their attitudes change when there is a camera around. I love shootingpeople as it helps me to connect with them . i love to tell their story. it canbe of lovers or children, of friends or even enemies. each story is unique andi like to be a part of that story!!!


Services :

Weddingbellz is an offshoot of Sharmilla Photography , providingcomplete wedding candid photography and Cinematography services.The beauty ,hullabaloo and colours of a wedding day, the anxiety and anticipations of thecouple about to tie the knot, gives me a great opportunity to  observepeople. These moments of great joy and high expectations and drama lends itselfbeautifully to a photographer , whose skills are tested . And when we come outwith flying colours with beautiful images of a day , its a story of a lifetime, each love story unique and magical in its own way.Let me be a part of yourday and i will have the fortune of gift wrapping a beautiful day for you tounwrap, relish and re live through my photo saga!!!

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