AQUA Controllers

AQUA Controllers
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Mr Ravi M



2, 8th cross, 50 feet
Andhanappa main road, Chowdeshwari nagar, laggere, bangalore -560058

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Our Organization has built up over 2 decades of specialized experience in the field of energy conservation and. Set up in 1995, in technical association with a BANGALORE Company, TIC was one of the only Companies manufacture a wide range of electronic Automatic water level controller. These installations are in operation in varied applications like,homes, hotels, factories, apartments, commercial buildings, choultaries, new buildings, and software companies&hospitals. TIC has gained enormous expertise in providing accurate and reliable solutions in WATER management.

Trust controllers has high quality technically-trained manpower for its production facility, development and integrated quality control systems. The Company has a nation-wide presence today with reseller and authorized representation network in all major cities and towns covering and supporting all its clients closely..

There are newer products being introduced for energy audit applications, real-time ON&OFF motor, and more advanced automatic water level cntroller, to equip users with 


Services :

***Water level controllers***


We are one of India’s leading companies offering innovative and easy-to use products for the growing needs for common household and industrial needs. AQUA CONTROLLERS is Registered Trad Mark and recognized for its quality products.

We are the Manufacturers and Dealers of power and resource saving devices like Automatic Water Level Controller, water level Indicator, Wireless water level controller, Digital water level Indicators, Remote controlled devices for home automation. We use state of the art digital technology to manufacture high quality systems.

Digital systems and solutions are manufacturing Automatic water level controller Systems since 1994. Our water level controllers are built to last and perform for a long time.

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Automatic water level controllers in Bangalore