Bhaskar Binding Works

Bhaskar Binding Works
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Mr C R Vijay Kumar
080 41128333, 080 22252825



476, Avenue Road,

Description :

Manufactures & Wholesales of Books & Stationery

Stationery division consistently maintains its product quality standards that include eye catching & educative cover designs introduced across the entire product portfolio. These designs are carefully chosen keeping in mind the target audience – mainly school and college students. We use eco-buddy paper to manufacture our products. This differentiating factor is usage of bagasse-based paper in maximum products. Bagasse is chemically treated dry sugarcane pulp remained after extracting juice to make paper.

Services :

Through innovation and technological excellence, we focus on servicing our customers with more value added products to suit their needs.

You can make a big difference and save the beauty of the world by using eco-buddy notebooks. Be a part of our commitment to save the trees and protect the environment. Think about it, every time you buy an eco-buddy book that uses paper made up ofeco friendly products you will make our planet a little greener and every time you save a tree, you save a part of the planet Earth. It’s up to you now, go ahead, and create a revolution. We hope you will like to use eco-buddy note books.

We also deal with all other stationary for schools and collages and wholesalers we are in Avenue road but we supply al over Bangalore 

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Wholesale stationery in Bangalore, Wholesale stationery in Avenue Road