Bharath Electricals

Bharath Electricals
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Ashraf Khan



Shop 10, Bagalur Main Road
Kattigenahalli Bus stop, I A F POst Bangalore-64

Description :

Class 1, Electrical Contractors & Engineers

Spares & Repairs

Borewll Drilling

Borewell Motor Repair and service

Services :

Well drilling requires a support of experienced geologist to exactly map the location to drill a borewell we prospect borewell point using worlds unique methods to identify and drill a region to tap water.

As with most traditional compasses, directional measurements are made in reference to the Earth’s magnetic field and will thus run into difficulties if in a region of locally abnormalmagnetism. For example, if the user is near an outcrop that contains magnetite or some other iron-bearing material, compass readings can be affected anywhere from several inches from the outcrop to tens of yards away (depending on the strength of the magnetic field). Since they are measured only using a rotating level, dip measurements are unaffected by magnetic fields. 

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