Vasanth Kumar Badminton Academy

Vasanth Kumar Badminton Academy
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Mr K P Vasanth Kumar



120,Kelsang's, 2nd cross,Police quarters
K H B Colony, Bangalore-560096

Description :
K.P.Vasanth kumar 

Professional Badminton Coach

Founder & CEO

Vasanth kumar Badminton Academy

International Badminton Player

Coaching age group starts from 7 years Plus

K.P.Vasanth kumar  aged 54 Years worked  for Syndicate Bank, who  was recruited under sports Quota   took VRS from the bank  after working for  nearly 31 years. He started  Badminton academy In the names of  Bangalore Badminton  House and Vasanth kumar badminton academy.  In addition he does sportsevent Management for corporates, financial consultancy for HL & ML Loans For corporates . 

He represented state in Men's category for 25 years , At present he is  grooming young talent for state & international competition. He is running  coaching camps at different places  at affordable cost.for the poor and talented .

Services :

Coaching Facility is Available at:

* RMV Club, Dollers Colony

* KGS Club, Cubbon Park

* K B A Cunningham Road

* Golden Boys Youth Club, Malleswaram

* Vajpayee Sports Complex, Rajajinagar

*RMV Club , Dollars Colony

We undertake Sports Event Management & Corporate Sports Training

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Vasanth Kumar Badminton Academy
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