Sri Manjunath Tiles Works

Sri Manjunath Tiles Works
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Mr Manjunath



9, 8th B Cross, Sanjeevininagara, Mudalapalya, Bangalore-560072

Description :

Specialised with :

Mosaic Tiles           Marble Floor laying

Vitrified Files        tiles fitting and polish

Glass Tiles              Wall tile Laying

Laying Flooring tile laying

Polishing Parking tiles laying

Re Polishing Works   Granite fitting

Building Demolishing works also done

Services :

A tiler generally works on commercial and residential projects. There is a direct relationship between the nature and quality of the product required and the payment made by the customer. Therefore the tiler has a continuing responsibility to work professionally in order to meet the requirements of the customer and thus maintain and grow the business. Tiling is closely associated with other parts of the construction industry, and with the many products that support it, normally for commercial purposes.

The tiler works internally and externally, including in the homes of customers and on building sites, in all weather conditions and on small and major projects. The work includes the laying of tiles of ceramics, mosaic and natural stone on walls, floors and staircases in houses, commercial, industrial and public buildings, churches, swimming pools, outside installations and façades to provide protective and decorative finishes. It also includes the construction of small walls and steps from bricks or blocks.

The tiler will interpret drawings, set out and measure, remove any existing covering, prepare surfaces, lay the tiles in the desired pattern, grout and finish to a high standard. Work organization and self-management, communication and interpersonal skills, problem solving, innovation and creativity, and working accurately are the universal attributes of the outstanding tiler. Whether the tiler is working alone (many are self-employed or sub-contractors) or in a team on large projects, the individual takes on a high level of personal responsibility and autonomy. Experienced tilers may also specialize in one area of work such as mosaics and they can work for specialist tiling firms specializing for example in artistic work or competition swimming pools.

From working safely and tidily through to exceptional planning and scheduling, concentration, precision, accuracy and attention to detail to achieve an excellent finish, every step in the process matters. Mistakes are largely irreversible and can be very costly

 With the international mobility of people the tiler faces rapidly expanding opportunities and challenges. For the talented tiler there are many commercial and international opportunities; however these carry with them the need to understand and work with diverse cultures and trends. The diversity of skills associated with tilers is therefore likely to expand.

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