Aishwarya Naati Koli Farm and Feeds

Aishwarya Naati Koli Farm and Feeds
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T V Ramesh

8147030922, 9741835777


52, Varanthapura Main Road, Near Desai Garden
Konankunte Cross, Bangalore-

Description :

Poultry Products

Chicks availability--- 
a. Nati chicks are not avlbl in large quantities ( yes they wr avlbl a year back or so but now I cld not find any chick sellers) in any case if they are avlbl they wld be too costly around 75-100/chick. So guess need to create our own parent stock.
b. All our chicks are avlbl at veterinary college hebbal for around 12-14/chick
c.  our chicks, even they are avlbl at veterinary college hebbal, but not sure of the cost.

Services :

Image result for nati koli farm

Naati Feeds, Nati Chicken, Egg, Quail's egg, Quail's Chicken Nati Chicken

Timings: 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM

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