Vastu Tatva
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Mr Koundinya Nemana


3rd stage,Bengaluru

Description :


Rectify your Vastu defects without demolishing, altering, or abandoning any structure through scientific approach. Save 90% of the cost, time, and effort compared to traditional Vastu.


Who can Benefit:

Owners and Tenants of residences, offices, or sites.


Our Special Approach of Corrections:

·         In-depth analysis of Vastu defects and Energy imbalances in your building

·         Correction of defects using specially designed scientific materials

·         Verification and demonstration of corrections using scientific method

·         Extra Benefits:  Geo-Biology corrections and reduction of electromagnetic radiations


Services :

Expert Profile:

Koundinya Nemana, Vastu and Geo-Biology Consultant:

Koundinya has over 15 years of experience in the field of Vastu. Having worked as an IT professional and Management consultant, his scientific curiosity has led him into the science of Vastu. Koundinya is one of the few experts in the world who received advanced training from Dr. Prabhat Poddar, a world renowned architect who has done 40 years of global scientific research in the fields of Vastu and Geo-Biology.

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Vastu without demolish in Bangalore