Amoha Prints

Amoha Prints
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Ms Pooja Gokul



Description :


We hold Block Printing workshops at various locations - Boutiques, Designer Clothing Stores, 

Cafes, Restaurants or any place where you have about 15 or more gathered and all geared up 

to know a thing or two about this beautiful art form. Our events/workshops comprise of a 

hands-on session that will show you the basics of block printing and give you a platform 

to test it too, either on tote bags, stoles, pillow cases, scarves, handy purses or handkerchiefs

 that we will bring along or you could even be so spontaneous as to fashion a piece of your own.

 Take home the souvenir you so beautifully crafted for yourself at our workshops.

Please email us at [email protected] or call us on 8861996557 for any queries

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Image result for amoha printers

Services :

Amoha Prints has undertaken a number of services that has helped brands create personalized looks for themselves. We print for Home Décor and Apparel brands, Export Houses and we work with Independent Designers who are looking to incorporate block printing in their design line. 

We have handcrafted wooden block stamps of logos for brands like Go Native, Anu & Susan, Encrustd, Six Yards Plus and many more.

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Block Printing workshops in Bangalore