S. Mohamed Ismail & Co

S. Mohamed Ismail & Co
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080 25583134 / 25582998


107, Commercial St

Description :

The Hardware People  Since 1935

House For Builder's Hardware & Paints

Mohamed Ismail & Co.
Based at Commercial Street, Bangalore, Karnataka, we are among the leading and reputed hardware and paint shops. Our products are manufactured in strict compliance with the industrial standards, by using superior quality raw material, procured from the certified vendors. We provide a wide range of paint products which includes distemper, oil paints, acrylic paints, etc. We strive to always provide the best products to our customers. Likewise, our hardware products also possess certain salient features like high tensile strength, corrosion resistance and longer service life. We work hard for winning the utmost trust of our clients. We offer our entire range of products at competitive market prices. Further, our patrons appreciate us for the consistent quality standards and we try to maintain the same. We have a team of experienced personnel, who ensure that we offer a defect free range of products to our customers. Being a client-oriented company, we always work hard to fulfill the dynamic demands of our valued clients. The range offered by us is in line with varied quality standards and specifications of our clients

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Hardware and paint store in Commercial street, Hardware and paint store in Bangalore