Teacher Sculpt Academy

Teacher Sculpt Academy
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Mrs Niraja
099868 63752


126,1st main ,3rd cross , S T Bed layout ,4th block Kormangala , Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034

Description :

Parent counseling

Parent counseling sessions are provided to parents who have concerns with their children and suggest best practices in learning and behavioral areas.


Remedial/Special education

Assessment to evaluate students’ areas of learning difficulty in curricular areas, and subsequent follow up measures are suggested. Also remedial classes are conducted for students’ in areas of learning difficulty/ specific learning difficulties/ Reading difficulties / writing difficulties, to enhance academic performances.

Services :

Educational Consultancy

We provide Consultancy services, Guidance and Support for schools which need improvement and strive towards greater excellence. We assist in Teacher development in schools through workshops and need based training provided in specific areas. We assist employers to recruit qualified and professionally trained effective Pre-primary and Primary teacher, facilitators, teacher assistants Academic coordinators and also do teacher job placements.


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