Active Aerobics

Active Aerobics
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Nasim Khan



CD-314, Saltlake Sector 1, Near City Centre,
Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700098

Description :

Active  aerobics  is one of the leading  health centre in Kolkata.one day demo class.different  type of aerobics  like aqua aerobics,dancing aerobics,lowimpact aerobics,high impact aerobics,cardio an circuit exercise.weight lossinch loss,tonning,shape up,fitness.

Special  workout  knee pain,back pain,slip disc,injuries  workout,ham string.

Special  workoutin  body area like hips,thighs,waistside,arms,stomach.

Low  impact aerobics:walking,cycling,hiking,rollerblading,stair climbing  and most aerobics  step and cardio dance workout are now lowimpact .exercises are most appropriate for beginner as people witharthritis,older,adult who are obsess,pregnant women and people with bone  joint connecti tissue injuries  that because low  impact exercise tend tobe less jarring on thebody and joints.

High   impact aerobics:running,jumping rope,hopping,jumping jack plyomerticssome step aerobics and some cardio dancing that involes leaping high impactexercises tend to be more intence over all and there  fore burn more calories.

Special  hips and thighs workout:Burn caloriesand  boost your metabolism with this hip butand innovative workout start with an interval based vardio routine to maximizefat loss finish with a lower body routine to build leaner legs,sleeper hips and a more define butt.

Waist sideworkout:exercise ball side cruncs,side bend,windshield wiper(that worksyour waist and abs together),bicycle crunches that is aformidable abs and waistexercise, side to side.

Cardio andcircuit exercise:Burn more calories increase your cardiovascular fitnessand build musale in a circuit training workout.circuit training reduce theamount of time and cardiovascular exercise simultaneously it provides increasedcalories burn through but the day to increase the cardiovascular benefits of acircuit training program increase your heat rate by adding high intensitycardio bursits between strength sets.

Stomachworkout:Bicycle crunch exercise,captain chair exercise,ab crunch anexercise ball,single legs bridge exercise,vertical legs crunch long armcrunch,reverse crunch,abdominal crunch,crossover crunch,oblique crunch, v-sitexercise,crunch with head push.some people  had a lose stomach they don’t  tonning workout  firstly they do stomach loss workout then toned.

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