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Subhro Guha Niyogi (Designer & Sculptor)
9804467177 / 9831503564



Description : Modular Kitchen Dealer,Interior Decorator,Sculpture & landscape Designers

Services :

Subhro Guha Niyogi

Designer & Sculptor



e-mail : [email protected]     

             [email protected] 

About Us:


We haveestablished a highly professional company dealing with diversified jobs. It isa Kolkata based company working on high quality execution of jobs and low costservices in interior and exterior works. We have skilled professional, manpowerto deliver satisfactory services towards our clients. Our team boasts ofeminent personalities in Civil and Construction work.


We firmlybelieve that we can provide our clients with excellent solutions according totheir requirements.




“We don’t just sell products …. We sell solutions. Because if our productsdo not solve your needs……… they are worthless”

Customer satisfaction is paramount to our continued success and growth.Our first and foremost goal is to realize our client’s needs and an actcatalysts of their dream. Our aim is to fulfill the client dreams in properway.


We execute jobs of installation of modular kitchens (using Mild Steel,Stainless Steel or Plywood) interior designing, sculpture, landscaping,furniture design & manufacture & civil works with various sectors. 

We have done landscaping works at Salt lake Municipality, Sculptural work,civil and creative work   in residential buildings also

Our team consists of competent professionals with extensive experience intheir respective disciplines. Our teamwork and expertise ensures qualityservice and support.




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Modular Kitchen Dealer in Dunlop,Interior Decorator in Dunlop,Sculpture & landscape Designers in Dunlop,Modular Kitchen Dealer in Kolkata,Interior Decorator in Kolkata,Sculpture & landscape Designers in Kolkata