Prime Builder-Builder and Construction Company in TVM

Vellor Enterprises,Kochulloor Ulloor,Trivandrum

Prime Builder-Builder and Construction Company in TVM
Most Contacted Details
  • Contacted Through Email : 8
  • Contacted Through What's Up : 15
  • Contacted Through Phone: 155
Description :
Prime Builders is the top construction firm in Kerala, headquartered in Trivandrum. Provides the best service to build your dream home.

Visit us on facebook:  www.facebook.com/primebuilder

Services :
Construction of building with FULL FINISH and 3 years Free Maintance Warranty.

Budget houses starting at Rs:1600/sqft (Full Contemporary)
Commercial Buildings starting at Rs:1600/sqft 
Semi-Luxury house starting at Rs: 1900/sqft (COLONIAL)
Luxury Houses starting at Rs: 2400/sqft

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