The Deepa Academy for the differently abled

The Deepa Academy for the differently abled
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East west boys Hostel Campus Back side No 63 Bharath Nagar vishwaneedam post off Magadi Road Bangalore, India PIN :

Description :

About Us

The Deepa Academy has initiated an empowerment center in Bangalore for the differently abled and has come to existence from April 2006 and has been operational since June 2006. The Academy is a registered as a Voluntary organization under Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 to work towards the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and the Differently Abled students, inparticular hailing from rural Karnataka. The aim is to make them self supporting and independent.

  • Development through Education, Knowledge and Skills
  • Power to empower the Differently Abled
  • Justice to all

  • Chamarajanagara Branch

    There is no lovelier way to thank god for your sight than by giving a helping hand to some one in the dark.-Hellen Keller.

    Deepa Academy for the iniciated its second unit at Chamarajanagar dist which an english medium free residential primary and higher primary a school for visually impaired girls at Deepa Academy for the differently abled higher primary school for visually impaired girls No. 10/B yajaman house Bhramarambha extn. Chennipuramole road Chamarajanagar-571313 to provide quality education and training for the visually impaired children who dwell in the remote villages of Chamarajanagar dist.on 1st of july 2013.

    The Food Donation Cost For Chamarjnagar Unit full day Rs. 3000/- ( Break fast Rs.600/-, Lunch Rs.1200/-, Dinner Rs.1200/- )

    At present the academy is providing free education lodging, boarding, medical and other supportive services for the over all development of twelve visually impaired children for the year 2013 and 2014.

    We need the support of one and all in our endover to educate and empower the visually challenged children of the Chamarajanagar region.

    Services :

    How can you help us

  • Donate towards food expenses for one day. [Breakfast 300, lunch 500, dinner 500] Rs. 1300/-
  • General donations towards education, medical, medical,expences, clothing and other supportive services.

  • There are many ways one can extend help for this noble cause

  • You can render service as VOLUNTEER
  • You can adopt a child for a year by paying Rs.25,000/-
  • You can become member/Life member
  • You can contribute one-day Food expenses of in-mates
  • Contributions will have exemption under Indian Income Tax under Sec. 80G
  • Foreign Individuals/Organisations can make contributions. Our Academy is registered under FCRA.

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