Kishore Chakraborty

Kishore Chakraborty
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Kishore Chakraborty
9038586002 / 9674350278


Behala Parnasree,Near N D Marble,Chamber in Rash Behari

Description :
Astrology,Palmistry,Numerologist,Gem Stone Supplier

Services : Astrologer

ProfessionalAstrologer, Numerologist, Palmist, Vastu-specialist

PreciousAstro-Gemstones seller

Member of International Academy of Astrology (USA)

Fellow memberof Astrological Research Project (CAL)


Astrology Consultation,Horoscope making, Business Consultation, Job Consultation, Career GrowthConsultation, Education Consultation, Health Consultation, ChildrenConsultation, Love affairs Consultation, Marriage Consultation, Marriagematching Consultation, Divorce Consultation, Name spelling alteration, Namingof Shop / Farm / New office or Company.

 Key Points :-

KishoreChakraborty’s consultaion is based on the natal chart of the native with theblend of Palmistry, Numerology, KP system and Counselling.

KishoreChakraborty’s consultation is scientifically designed and one to oneconsultation.

TelephonicConsultation has been done in Indiaand abroad by prior appointment.

Proedictionsare simple and scientific, Gem remedies are very useful.




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